
This package requires Python 3.6 or above. It can be installed directly from pip:

pip install headfake

Command Line

You can run headfake from the command line without writing any code.

usage: headfake [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-n NO_ROWS] [-s SEED] template

HEAlth Data Faker provides a command-line script to create mock data files based on a YAML-based
template file (see examples/* for example templates). HEADFake uses the python package Faker to
generate names and contact details.

positional arguments:
  template              YAML-based template file describing structure of health data fields to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output data to text file as tab-delimited rather than STDOUT
  -n NO_ROWS, --no-rows NO_ROWS
                        Number of rows to generate
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Seed for the random data generator

You can either write your own template or use one from the examples directory as shown below:

headfake examples/patients.yaml --no-rows=100

This should generate 100 rows of example data. Using an --output-file flag will send it to a tab-delimited file rather than to the screen.

headfake examples/patients.yaml --no-rows=100 --output-file=examples/patient.txt

Python API

Headfake also provides an API that you can use in your python code to generate data. The following code loads the patients.yaml template and is equivalent to the command line interface shown above.

from headfake import HeadFake

headfake = HeadFake.from_yaml("examples/patients.yaml")
data = headfake.generate(num_rows=100)

The return value from HeadFake.generate is a pandas DataFrame